Friday, December 28, 2012

Bed Rest


We went in for our doctors appointment visit early this week as Dr. Klinger is going on vacation next week.  Luckily we did as my blood pressure had jumped significantly from Monday.  This made everyone nervous and Baby P and I were quickly evaluated.  Baby P passed a stress test with flying colors and my blood work came back perfect.  We will be re-evaluated on Saturday, December 29th - where we have a "reservation for a suite at the inn" as our doctor called it. 

Week 38

Christmas Eve doctors visit -


Oh where did you come from???  Thank goodness you are not with us every day....

Week 37 - Oh Tree

Third Trimester brings -


I was lucky in the beginning stages of my pregnancy to not have a lot of side affects.  However, they have caught up to me.  It's well worth it as my little Baby P grows big and strong.  We shall meet you soon!

Realtec Downtown Baby Shower/Christmas Party

We had a surprise "speed" baby shower at our Realtec Downtown Christmas party at Patty and Wayne's house.  It was so much fun... we started the night with great food, fun drinks (mine was a special virgin mama drink-so yummy), laughs and these fun pictures.

Mustache City!
Baby P was mustache mobbed!
(Week 36.5)
Then Patty and Stephanie grabbed me by the arms and marched me into the living room for my speed shower.  We were once again well loved and blessed!
They had this beautiful "baby cake" made for us.  It has diapers, puppets, animals, blankets, etc. Super Cute!!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Week 36

Week 36 brings all of our nursery furniture, baby kicks to the ribs and dilation. :-)

Pike style...

Baby P has a very interesting movement - we call it the PIKE STYLE. He/she is pressing up and raising out of my belly bump in the shape of a heart. We think it's its bump/hips and little legs that create this crazy image.

It seems like there is a theme of the laptop, but little Baby P does this when waking up in the morning, while randomly sitting at my desk at work, while walking around shopping, you name it.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Week 35 - Photo Shoot

Week 35 started with a fun photo shoot with K Thompson Photography.  Keriann took amazing photos and these are just a few that we snapped with our phone (hers are a gazillion times better).  I can't wait to share them. 

Thanksgiving Weekend!!

After some delicious turkey - Week 34

Brissy is wearing the baby's socks... perfect fit!  She didn't like them that much.
Black Friday Shopping Tradition - At 6am, Lisa and I met for our traditional shopping spree (a bit later than normal) but Baby P was a champion! Baby P hung in there until almost 1pm!  The buy of the day was two high quality crib mattresses for the price of one! SCORE!

Jay got a baby present in the mail.... a diaper changing survival kit.  It was complete with tongs, goggles, face mask, you name it!!  Is he set? :-)

The imfamous bathroom picture...

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Our furniture is here!!

Building Baby P's Crib

Baby seat...

Jay's first experience putting together baby equipment! 

All is good... we do have an operational seat in the end!!

Week 33

We are off to work!  Brissy is posing with me (again)!!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Week 32 - Baby Furniture

Yeah!!!  We purchased our baby furniture!  Now we just have to wait two weeks for it to come in... hopefully we didn't wait too long.

 Out shopping - Jay caught me off guard! Ha ha
My shopping posse!
(Grampy, Great Grandma Wacker, Dad)
Oh yeah... we are 8 months or 8 weeks B.B. (before birth)
New measurements:
Melissa and Baby P = 38.5" (another 2" growth spurt)
Dad = 42"
Brissy = the same
Stay tuned...

Family Walk and Mazz's Photography

Mazz has an eye for photography... and some other silly shots. :-)

Colorado Baby Shower

Baby P is "well loved" (as Nana would say) already.  We had another beautiful shower November 3rd with all our family and close friends in Colorado.  Lisa hosted the event at her parents beautiful ranch in Livermore.

The goodies!

The chair of honor!!
The ladies thought it was comical to put my gifts on the floor and watch me meanouver to them.  It's becoming more and more difficult and I have 9 more weeks!
The lovely hostess and I

Little Auzzie Surprise!

Week 31 was full of fun and surprises.  My great friend from Australia, Miss Marilyn (aka Mazz), came to visit for the weekend (she was in the states on a business trip).  So I didn't tell anyone and ran to DIA to pick her up early Saturday morning.  She didn't even know I was pregnant!!!  That was the first surprise as I walked up and she got a good glimpse of the baby bump. 

Then... we had it scheduled that my parents would meet us at my house, mom to go to the shower with me and my dad to help Jay with the basement remodel project.  As we were 5 minutes away, I gave Jay the heads up call.  We walked through the door and I said "Look who I found!"  My mom jumped up out of the chair screaming while dad sat at the kitchen bar top like a deer in headlights!  What a GREAT moment!

Then... we jumped in the car for Baby P's baby shower.  Lisa had NO IDEA!  It happened again in the driveway - huge hugs and screams!!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

31 Weeks

Whoo-hoo!  I can still squat! :-)
Baby P's already getting it's Bills gear on!

Monday, December 3, 2012

No longer 2nd trimester... on to the 3rd!

We have finished the 2nd trimester feeling great.  Baby is growing and healthy, mom is healthy, dad is a trooper and we had many more fantastic memories.  Lisa and Heather feel Baby P for the first time in South Dakota.  We got Baby P on video for the first time in South Dakota.  Auntie Nora feels Baby P at the Warren Miller Film.  Right now, Grampy Wacker is the last to feel a kick or jab - hopefully soon!

Now we just have to get the basement remodel project and nursery done ASAP!

Week 30

Finley can't wait for her little buddy (either boyfriend or BFF) to join us!